Hypnotherapy and Coaching: The Brain’s Rewiring Blueprint

Reading Time: 2 minutes Neuroplasticity, the brain’s dynamic ability to reorganise and adapt its neural pathways based on experiences, is a well-established concept in neuroscience. This adaptability underscores the brain’s resilience and capacity for change, with repeated thoughts and behaviours influencing its wiring. In coaching, understanding neuroplasticity offers a promising avenue for facilitating transformational change. Coaches, therapists, and other professionals harness the principles of neuroplasticity to help individuals modify habits, behaviours, and thought patterns. The goal is to shift from limiting patterns and beliefs to empowering ones. In this context, hypnotherapy emerges as a…

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Andrew Thorp King’s Commentary Feature on the Price of Business Digital Network

Reading Time: < 1 minute Andrew Thorp King is an executive fintech banker, spy novelist, speaker, punk rocker, podcaster, ex-bodybuilder, cigar lover, and serial entrepreneur. He founded two independent record labels—Thorp Records and Sailor’s Grave Records—and has invested in many spaces, including online lending, fitness, lead generation, and independent music. Andrew Thorp King is also a serial failure. He has crashed and burned through bankruptcy, divorce, mortgage default, public assistance, and multiple business failures. But, like a jack-in-the-box after a punch, he pops back up every time, rebuilding his life—informed by failure—with a big smile…

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Turning Negative Into Positive Series: Chemotherapy Perks

Reading Time: 5 minutes Breast Cancer Awareness Month starts on October 1st. I was diagnosed with stage IV triple-negative breast cancer at the end of 2016. I started treatment in 2017, receiving six rounds of chemotherapy, a double-mastectomy, six weeks of radiation, and six more surgeries in 2018. My experience was life-altering, and shifting gears from fear into love and gratitude was the secret to my healing and thriving. In fact, I founded a company called Zero Negative, spreading love and gratitude through accessories that give back to UCLA’s Jonsson Cancer Center Foundation. I…

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Directing Awareness, Shaping Neurology: Exploring the Potential Role of Consciousness and Quantum Effects in Neuroplastic Pain Relief

Reading Time: 2 minutes We know the brain rewires neural pathways based on repetitive experiences and behaviours. As some theories suggest, if consciousness plays an active role in collapsing quantum potentials, directing awareness could physically reshape neurocircuitry. For instance, through practises like mindfulness, visualisation, and affirmations, patients can break latent mental associations that sustain the pain and form new empowering configurations. Meditation could calm overactive threat detection signals and build pain regulation circuits. Approaching pain with acceptance rather than aversion may lessen fight-or-flight responses and decrease sensitisation. Reframing self-talk could retrain habitual thought patterns…

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Indhushree Rajan’s Commentary Feature on the Price of Business Digital Network

Reading Time: < 1 minute International author, speaker, human rights advocate, clinical psychologist and relationship coach, Dr. Indhushree Rajan has, for more than 20 years, been helping people of all ages, cultural backgrounds, and varying life circumstances heal, discover their true life’s purpose, and have successful & fulfilling personal & professional relationships. Through her unique brand of therapy and coaching, Dr. Rajan guides people towards discovering their authentic selves, and living empowered, fulfilling lives. Please visit her website www.theconscious-life.com for original, empowering content, to find out how to work with her as a life or relationship coach, and…

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Potential and Possibility

Reading Time: 2 minutes Quantum physics reveals a world where the future is undetermined probabilities rather than predestined certainties. At the subatomic level, particles exist as waves of potentiality until they are observed and their properties fixed. This quantum world of probability is the fertile ground from which tangible realities emerge. Quantum coaching works with this realm of potential and possibility to help clients shape optimal futures. Life is not linear, and resigned to fate. At any moment, multiple probable timelines branch out before us. Quantum coaching helps the client envision and realise their…

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Visualisation and the Observer Effect

Reading Time: 2 minutes The observer effect is a concept from quantum physics that states that observing a phenomenon can influence or change that phenomenon. This has profound implications in quantum coaching. Visualisation is a key technique in coaching that can harness the observer effect for positive outcomes. By visualising a desired future state, the coach helps the client move towards that tangible future through the power of observation.  Visualisation activates the brain’s reticular activating system (RAS), allowing us to see possibilities and opportunities that align with our visualised goals. The brain starts noticing…

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Overcoming the Challenges of Cancer

Reading Time: < 1 minute INTERVIEW ON THE PRICE OF BUSINESS SHOW, MEDIA PARTNER OF THIS SITE. Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, welcomed Michelle Kaiser to provide another commentary in a series. The Michelle Kaiser Commentaries I am now “cancer-free”. But cancer might rear its ugly head again and I lose that battle. I just hope I’m ready and that I have accomplished some things in my life that will impact people for the better. Michelle Kaiser and her husband, Jim, live on a cattle ranch in Cross Plains,…

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What Will You Pay for Your Favorite Upcoming Event?

Reading Time: 2 minutes INTERVIEW ON THE PRICE OF BUSINESS SHOW, MEDIA PARTNER OF THIS SITE. Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, welcomed Kathy Healey to provide another commentary in a series. The Kathy Healey Commentaries I was offered a ticket to a rock concert in New York. We were living in Washington, D.C. my friend Carolina said we would drive up for the weekend and have fun. I said NO because it was my 1st wedding anniversary. It was Woodstock – 1969. I never said NO again to…

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Moving From Confidence Slayer to Team Builder

Reading Time: 2 minutes INTERVIEW ON THE PRICE OF BUSINESS SHOW, MEDIA PARTNER OF THIS SITE. Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, welcomed Dr. Cassandra McBride-Smith to provide another commentary in a series. The Dr. Cassandra McBride-Smith Commentaries Price and Dr. Smith continued their ongoing series and discussed the impact the book is having on readers. In this interview they discussed the book’s impact on readers.  Smith answered Price’s question, “You’ve discussed a lot during the interviews about confidence slayers in the workforce, how would you describe a healthy work…

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