Harnessing Age Regression

Reading Time: 2 minutes Hypnotic age regression is a powerful way to speed up recovery because it accesses embodied neural networks that store information about how the brain worked before the injury. Though not a perfect replay of the past, re-experiencing implicitly richer neurocognitive resources can guide the brain’s reshaping. Age regression techniques help people re-experience earlier times in their lives. They use imagery, stories, and suggestions to bring up important memories from their own lives. This differs fundamentally from retrospectively analysing the past from one’s current vantage point.  Instead, hypnosis can evoke a…

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Recovery From PTSD and Years of Disordered Eating Through Hypnosis

Reading Time: < 1 minute Commentary ON THE PRICE OF BUSINESS SHOW, MEDIA PARTNER OF THIS SITE. Recently, Denise Billen-Mejia spoke on the Price of Business. The Denise Billen-Mejia Commentaries In this episode  ” H2 with Denise Billen-Mejia, Health and Hypnosis”  Denise chats with a fellow hypnotherapist about his own experiences with hypnosis which then led him to change his career. Denise Billen-Mejia MD, Consulting Hypnotist and Coach worked for two decades as a clinician in Pediatrics and Emergency Medicine and now, retired from medicine, she actively seeks opportunities to educate physicians and the public…

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