Soaring U.S. Healthcare Costs Part 2: The Proposal

Reading Time: 5 minutes In this article, I my proposal for how we can reduce the costs of healthcare by implementing a system of periodic assessments of CPT codes and costs. I am not suggesting that all CPT codes are unnecessary or wasteful. My point is that there is a lack of periodic reassessment of healthcare costs associated with caring for people with Type 2 diabetes. Such a reassessment would likely find better explanations for what causes high blood sugar and diabetes in adults and better, less costly ways to treat it. Two basic…

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Price for Profit: Strategies Beyond Arithmetic

Reading Time: 3 minutes INTERVIEW ON THE PRICE OF BUSINESS SHOW, MEDIA PARTNER OF THIS SITE. Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, welcomed Maureen Edwards to provide another commentary in a series. The Maureen Edwards Commentaries In the world of business, correctly pricing your products or services is crucial for survival. It’s an intricate balance of art and science, with a multitude of internal and external factors at play. More than just choosing a price, it involves careful calculation of costs, recognizing your value, securing your paycheck, and…

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Tips for Effective Condo Boards

Reading Time: < 1 minute The Price of Business Digital Network has a new series of outstanding commentaries from thought leaders.  This is one in that series.  Tina Larsson, CEO, The Folson Group   Listen in to Tina Larsson, the powerhouse behind The Folson Group as she gives her top tips on how to be an effective coop, condo, or HOA board member. Whether you’re a seasoned board member or just starting, get ready for a session packed with practical tips to elevate your condo board game. Tina will unravel the secrets to running condo board like a…

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It’s Impossible To Motivate Unmotivated Staff

Reading Time: 4 minutes It can certainly be hard to motivate people and strictly speaking it is true we cannot make others motivated. Command-and-control managers often get frustrated because they believe that motivating employees is about their authority and tangible things such as money. Exerting authority is a common management approach but that is different to leadership. You can compel people to do what you want, but that’s not leadership, and it tends to be a good way to turn engaged staff into disengaged staff. According to a 2023 Gallup survey, some 77% of…

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Making Your Most Important Investment Work

Reading Time: 3 minutes To get the best performance from your employees, it is critical that you provide structures and systems (including pay systems) that motivate them. To understand and predict what these are, you need a very good model or framework describing human motivation. Only when you have achieved this, it is worth investing time and money in training your employees. If you do it the other way around, not only may your employees not use the new skills acquired in their training but they are more likely to leave the organisation. This…

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Andrew Thorp King’s Commentary Feature on the Price of Business Digital Network

Reading Time: < 1 minute Andrew Thorp King is an executive fintech banker, spy novelist, speaker, punk rocker, podcaster, ex-bodybuilder, cigar lover, and serial entrepreneur. He founded two independent record labels—Thorp Records and Sailor’s Grave Records—and has invested in many spaces, including online lending, fitness, lead generation, and independent music. Andrew Thorp King is also a serial failure. He has crashed and burned through bankruptcy, divorce, mortgage default, public assistance, and multiple business failures. But, like a jack-in-the-box after a punch, he pops back up every time, rebuilding his life—informed by failure—with a big smile…

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Crypto Gold Rush: Should You HODL or Pass?

Reading Time: 5 minutes The cryptocurrency market has experienced unprecedented growth since the inception of Bitcoin in 2009. Bitcoin’s remarkable journey from mere cents to thousands of dollars per coin has generated tales of financial triumph, enticing a wave of investors eager to replicate these legendary fortunes. However, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. Here’s a few things to consider before investing your hard-earned savings:   Investing In Cryptocurrency Is Complicated Here are just some of the complexities and technical challenges you’ll face: Security Concerns: Cryptocurrency investments require robust security measures to safeguard digital…

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How To Find Quality Coffee Beans

Reading Time: 2 minutes Those who are closely interested in coffee have long known that the taste of the drink will greatly depend on the region and conditions of coffee growing. The path from farm to coffee machine to cup is quite long. It includes coffee sourcing, concluding a contract, transporting the beans and processing them – in the case when green coffee beans were purchased – and after that you can choose one or another blend of coffee in a store or your favorite coffee shop. Sourcing refers to the process of searching,…

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Human Intelligence & the IQ Myth

Reading Time: 3 minutes Have you ever wondered about the level of human intelligence as you look around you? As a leader, I’m sure you’ve had that moment where you’ve looked at one of your staff members and wondered: “how can they be so unintelligent?” It is easy to think and is of course it is pretty judgmental. There is the “IQ myth” that thinks intelligence is all about IQ. But that is only 25% of the picture and is why we can all be ‘unintelligent’ in some areas and ‘highly intelligent’ in others.…

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How To Win by Doing Nothing

Reading Time: 3 minutes Doing nothing to solve a problem or get ahead seems counter-intuitive, but it’s not. In a world that values productivity, accomplishment and relentless work, it may just be the best thing you CAN do. Why? Doing nothing is a secret weapon we all need to solve overwhelm, overwork and to get our teams and colleagues working better. I was introduced to what I have labelled the “do nothing strategy” by a coach several years ago. Doing nothing is not about taking a break – although that is very beneficial –…

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