Price for Profit: Strategies Beyond Arithmetic

Reading Time: 3 minutes INTERVIEW ON THE PRICE OF BUSINESS SHOW, MEDIA PARTNER OF THIS SITE. Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, welcomed Maureen Edwards to provide another commentary in a series. The Maureen Edwards Commentaries In the world of business, correctly pricing your products or services is crucial for survival. It’s an intricate balance of art and science, with a multitude of internal and external factors at play. More than just choosing a price, it involves careful calculation of costs, recognizing your value, securing your paycheck, and…

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A Look at the Global Cities 500 of 2020

Reading Time: 3 minutes What effect has the global COVID-19 had on the brand value of the world’s greatest cities? To discover this, an analytical report of the Global Top 500 Cities was compiled by Global City Lab and released on Dec. 28, 2020 in New York. The report declares New York to be the world’s most valuable city, with a brand value of US$2.03 trillion. Tokyo has surpassed London to rank second with a brand value of US$1.88 trillion. London’s brand value has dropped 8.16% this year, ranking third with a brand value of US$1.85 trillion. Moreover, Paris and Sydney also have brand values surpassing US$1 trillion. Hong…

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