Conflict Management at Work: A Guild for Professionalism

Reading Time: 4 minutes Each day, you dress the part and demonstrate your skills as you advance in your career. Yet, there’s always that one colleague who pushes your limits, tempting you to respond unprofessionally. You know giving in could harm your career and even risk legal trouble. Despite your attempts to address the issue, your concerns remain unheard. You know that you could go to HR, but does this annoyance rise to the level of human resources and possibly the senior leadership? Have you done enough to quell the issue?  Every day you…

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It’s Alive!!! The Monstrously Corrupt Christian Coalition (Part 2)

Reading Time: 2 minutes INTERVIEW ON THE PRICE OF BUSINESS SHOW, MEDIA PARTNER OF THIS SITE. Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, welcomed David Wilcox to provide another commentary in a series. The David Wilcox Commentaries In this episode of the Flim Flam Chronicles, we continue shining the light of truth, revealing how Pat Robertson’s Christian Coalition came to be.  We reveal how previous political organizations established by Pat Robertson ran afoul of the IRS and the Federal Election Commission for illegal activities, leading to their swift deaths. …

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The Cumulative Effect of Small Unhealthy Habits

Reading Time: 3 minutes It’s often the small, seemingly insignificant habits that add up over time and lead to long-term health consequences. Whether it’s grabbing a sugary snack here and there or skipping your workout “just this once,” these decisions may seem harmless at the moment but can have a compounding effect on your well-being. We often don’t think of these small choices as dangerous because they don’t show immediate results. However, over time, consistent neglect in areas such as diet, exercise, or sleep can build into much bigger problems, including chronic fatigue, weight…

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Public Speaking Excellence: How To Amp Up Your Presentation Skills

Reading Time: 3 minutes By Peggy Sealfon, BCHC      Public speaking is one of the most powerful ways to connect, persuade, and inspire others. However, it can also be a source of anxiety and stress for many. Whether you’re speaking to a room full of people, presenting on Zoom, or giving a toast at a wedding, the ability to communicate effectively is essential. Great speakers aren’t born, they’re made—and with the right techniques, you can amp up your presentation skills to become a confident, engaging public speaker. In this article, we’ll explore key strategies…

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Understanding and Managing Stress: A Path to a Balanced Life

Reading Time: 4 minutes INTERVIEW ON THE PRICE OF BUSINESS SHOW, MEDIA PARTNER OF THIS SITE. Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, welcomed Dr. Ann Hester to provide another commentary in a series. The Dr. Ann Hester Commentaries Stress is an inevitable part of life. Whether it stems from work responsibilities, family demands, or the unexpected challenges that arise daily, stress finds a way to influence our lives. While it’s easy to view stress as a purely negative force, it can be a motivator in small doses, sharpen our focus, and enhance…

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The Neuroscience of Alcohol Addiction: Understanding the Brain’s Role in Dependency

Reading Time: 3 minutes Alcohol addiction, also known as alcohol use disorder (AUD), is a complex and multifaceted condition that affects millions of people worldwide. At its core, AUD is not just a behavioral issue but a neurological one, deeply rooted in the brain’s chemistry and structure. Understanding the neuroscience behind alcohol addiction is crucial for developing effective treatments and interventions.   One of the key players in alcohol addiction is the brain’s reward system, specifically the mesolimbic dopamine system. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is closely associated with feelings of pleasure and reinforcement.…

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Tackling the Foster Care System, a Task for All

Reading Time: 3 minutes INTERVIEW ON THE PRICE OF BUSINESS SHOW, MEDIA PARTNER OF THIS SITE. Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, welcomed Nancy Poland to provide another commentary in a series. The Nancy Poland Commentaries Foster care: a combined family who becomes a temporary solution to a heart-breaking problem. Any child taken out of their biological family will experience trauma. Look around, it is likely there is a foster care family in your community. In the last month Nancy Poland has published three articles on different facets of foster…

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Understanding Karma: The Key to Health, Happiness, and Success

Reading Time: 3 minutes What is karma? Sometimes, it is better to define something by what it is not. That is probably the best way to understand karma. In our Western pop culture world, we often hear karma referred to as good or bad. This predisposes judgment. However, it’s important to remember that karma is not about judgment.  Good and bad signify punishment or retribution if a deed is not morally correct. But what is morally correct is subjective, depending upon your culture and point of view.  Karma, therefore, is not about punishment or…

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3 Things To Know About Your Dream Life

Reading Time: 3 minutes Marianne Clyde, CEO of Isn’t She Amazing offers 3 things you should know about living your dream life: It is a worthy goal You have everything within you to accomplish that goal No one else has to approve it.   When you are given a desire in your heart, that desire is for you. It is given to you because you are the only one that can accomplish that desire or goal in your unique way. You are a co-creator of your life. The creator of the universe lives in…

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Exploring Donald Hoffman’s Theory of Conscious Agents: An Alternative Look at the Mind-Body Problem

Reading Time: 3 minutes Donald Hoffman’s notion of conscious agents is a convincing and challenging paradigm in cognitive science and consciousness studies. Hoffman’s viewpoint differs greatly from standard materialism, positing that consciousness is not a result of physical processes but rather a fundamental component of reality. This article digs into Hoffman’s theory, examining how it is consistent with three fundamental principles: the primacy of consciousness, the interface theory of perception, and the dynamics of conscious agents. The Primacy of Consciousness Hoffman’s idea is based on the concept that awareness is fundamental. Contrary to the…

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