Reclaiming Your Worth: The Importance of Self-Compassion

Reading Time: 4 minutes


Welcome to the latest episode of Unlocking Your Greatness with Wendy Bjork. As an international bestselling author, nationally syndicated columnist, inspirational speaker and founder of, it is my mission to empower women to build a strong Foundation of Wellbeing: One Whole-istic™ Step at a Time.  To feel HOPE: harmony, options, peace and empowerment to help others along the way.


Steps for Harnessing Self-Compassion for Better Wellbeing 

Nurturing Yourself begins with your decision to embark on an Inner Journey.  

Cultivating Kindness Within for a Healthier You. Prioritize You: Unlocking Benefits of Self-Compassion for Total Wellbeing.  Self-Compassion as an Essential Tool to Achieve Greater Wellbeing and Resilience Plus Nurturing Self-Compassion for Better Health

As we journey toward greater health and wellbeing, it’s important to emphasize the significance of self-compassion for overall well-being.

Life can be challenging enough without making ourselves harsh critics of ourselves! Setting high expectations, striving for perfection and feeling overwhelmed or inadequate are all commonplace in daily life, yet self-compassion offers us another approach–one which provides gentle support while acknowledging imperfections and challenges we may encounter along our path to perfection.

Research indicates that cultivating self-compassion can result in improved emotional resilience, decreased anxiety levels and a stronger connection to ourselves and others. Self-compassion allows us to treat ourselves with kindness and understanding just as we would extend to a friend in need.
Here are four simple strategies for cultivating self-compassion:

  • **Mindful Awareness**: Acknowledging your feelings without judgment is the first step toward self-compassion and should be seen as something positive, rather than something to avoid or push away.
  • **Affirmations**: Begin each day right by practicing positive affirmations that reinforce self-acceptance and kindness towards yourself, reminding yourself that love and care should come your way.
  • Engage in Self-Care Activities**: Engage in activities that nourish both body and soul – whether that means taking a soothing bath, going hiking or reading for relaxation– to meet all your needs and fulfill all of them.
  • **Forgive Yourself**: Everyone makes mistakes; allow yourself the grace to learn from experiences rather than dwelling on past ones.
  • **Acceptance**:  Acceptance is often viewed as giving up or remaining passive, but it’s much more than that. It’s a powerful tool that allows us to reclaim our vital energy, broadens our perspective and empowers us to change what we can.


The Power of Acceptance

When we are able to acknowledge difficult emotions and situations for what they are, rather than resisting them or pushing them away, we can begin to use the power of acceptance. Acceptance allows us to neutralize or even make pleasant experiences that were formerly unpleasant and/or irritating. Consider a common frustration, such as being stuck in traffic or a long wait at a restaurant. Using the power of acceptance, we can choose to listen to soothing music or look for interesting aspects of the situation, such as other people in the car or buildings nearby.

In terms of relationships, the power of acceptance can also help us to develop self-compassion for ourselves and others. Being able to recognize our own emotional responses and practice self-care by talking about them in therapy is a huge step toward becoming more accepting of ourselves and others.

Self-acceptance is the foundation of mental and emotional wellness, but it can be a challenging skill to cultivate. One way to start is by examining the negative beliefs you have about yourself and others. For example, if you believe you’re a bad person because of something you did in the past, try reframing that belief as an opportunity to grow.

When we find ways to build up our positive self-image, it can be easier to embrace what’s happening in our lives. This is because our mindset and energy change. When we let go of resistance and become more accepting of what’s going on, we can start to attract other good things to us, like opportunities or people who are a good match for our personality.

The key is to remember that we only have control over ourselves and our actions. The things that happen to us are out of our control, so the most we can do is learn from them and grow. As Eckhart Tolle says, “Acceptance is not passive resignation. It is active non-resistance.” It’s a willingness to let life be what it is and to be grateful for what is.” It may not feel that way at first, but the more you practice this concept, the more you will start to notice positive changes in your life.

To support you in creating a path to your dream life, download your copy of the Hearts of Wellness 30-Day Journal + Blueprint Bundle Towards Living Your Best Life at It will support you in keeping your desired outcomes all in one place along with the Blueprint which will help you take small steps daily towards a better view of yourself. Benefit from improved self-talk, as well as writing your weekly gratitude list and celebrating your weekly wins. Discovering and living by your personalized playbook are important steps we can create together!


If you feel a self-paced approach with Wendy’s support would be helpful in reaching your goals, you can join in with like-minded people inside the Hearts of Wellness Membership Collective and begin your journey back to simplicity, freedom and wholeness!


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