Delve Into the Science Behind Meditation and Improve Business & Life

Reading Time: 2 minutes INTERVIEW ON THE PRICE OF BUSINESS SHOW, MEDIA PARTNER OF THIS SITE. Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, welcomed Peggy Sealfon to provide another commentary in a series. The Peggy Sealfon Commentaries In this episode, Peggy Sealfon explores the growing trend of incorporating meditation into the workplace. Meditation, once seen as solely spiritual, now holds proven benefits for businesses and individuals alike. We delve into the science behind meditation, its impact on stress reduction, enhanced focus, and emotional intelligence. We also discuss real-life examples…

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Why Your Success Hinges on Your Decisions!

Reading Time: 3 minutes Welcome to the latest edition of Unlocking Your Greatness with Wendy Bjork. As an international bestselling author, inspirational speaker and guide to others, as well as founder of, it is my mission to help others make forward progress towards living their best lives   Three Ways Embracing Decision Helps Us Succeed   Decision making is a critical part of solving complex problems. It happens throughout the problem-solving process, from framing a question to exploring options and ideas. It also requires ensuring that decisions are delegated appropriately. We should ask,…

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What Alignment Means For Your Success

Reading Time: 3 minutes Welcome to the weekly edition of Unlocking Your Greatness with Wendy Bjork.  As an international bestselling author, speaker and guide to others, as well as founder of, it is my mission to help others make progress forward and live their best lives! For many people, success means climbing the corporate ladder or making a lot of money. But for others, it’s about finding fulfillment in their work. During a recent TED Talk, Sam Solie shared how he defines personal success by the relationships and meaningful work that surrounds him. He…

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How To Win by Doing Nothing

Reading Time: 3 minutes Doing nothing to solve a problem or get ahead seems counter-intuitive, but it’s not. In a world that values productivity, accomplishment and relentless work, it may just be the best thing you CAN do. Why? Doing nothing is a secret weapon we all need to solve overwhelm, overwork and to get our teams and colleagues working better. I was introduced to what I have labelled the “do nothing strategy” by a coach several years ago. Doing nothing is not about taking a break – although that is very beneficial –…

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4 Tips To Set Your Kid Up for Greatness

Reading Time: 4 minutes   We can’t stop our kids from growing up, but we can prepare them with great tools. My oldest son graduated from high school two years ago, and even though I was aware the day was coming, it still hit me hard.  This kid I carried, nurtured and watched grow into a confident young man was now moving through a huge life transition.  And while I was very proud, realizing he would soon be out of my everyday life hurt my heart. Whether your teen is off to college or…

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How Quantum Coaching Can Help You Succeed

Reading Time: 2 minutes Quantum coaching is a revolutionary approach to personal and professional development that draws inspiration from quantum physics and applies its principles to coaching methodologies. It recognizes that we are interconnected with the energy and information of the universe and leverages this.  Shifting Limiting Beliefs: Quantum coaching recognizes that our beliefs shape our reality. By working with a quantum coach, you can identify and release limiting beliefs that hold you back from reaching your full potential.  Harnessing Intuition and Inner Wisdom: Quantum coaching encourages individuals to tap into their intuition and…

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New Ways to Unlocking Your Greatness

Reading Time: 3 minutes The recent 3-Day Summit sponsored by Feeling Great Inside + Looking Great Outside just wrapped up in a very successful way! It was a wrap in the final weeks of Women’s history month as well. Wendy Bjork of Hearts of, Dane Boyle, of Life Strategist and Michelle Lewis, of, color psychology expert and author of “Color Secrets,” were the three well known speakers from the world of wellness coaching. Attendees received many new strategies to optimize their physical, mental and emotional wellbeing in completely new ways.…

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Your Value, Your Values, and Your Arts-Focused Business

Reading Time: < 1 minute The Price of Business Digital Network has a new series of outstanding commentaries from thought leaders.  This is one in that series.  Author Victoria Dougherty Victoria Dougherty is a Cold War thriller and epic historical fantasy author, narrative non-fiction writer, publisher, and podcaster. In her work, she emphasizes the importance of understanding your creative output in order to build a successful arts-focused business. Lead with your best values, create value for your brand, and unleash real growth. Learn more about Victoria’s fiction at and find her on Spotify, YouTube, and other social media platforms…

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