Can Simplicity Create Longevity?

Reading Time: 3 minutes Welcome to the weekly edition of Unlocking Your Greatness with Wendy Bjork.  As an international bestselling author, speaker and guide to others, as well as founder of, it is my mission to help others take steps forward and live their best lives!   When people are dying, one of the most common regrets they have is that they didn’t spend enough time doing things they loved. Living a simple life can help you avoid this mistake by letting go of unnecessary stress and focusing on what matters most. This means…

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New Ways to Unlocking Your Greatness

Reading Time: 3 minutes The recent 3-Day Summit sponsored by Feeling Great Inside + Looking Great Outside just wrapped up in a very successful way! It was a wrap in the final weeks of Women’s history month as well. Wendy Bjork of Hearts of, Dane Boyle, of Life Strategist and Michelle Lewis, of, color psychology expert and author of “Color Secrets,” were the three well known speakers from the world of wellness coaching. Attendees received many new strategies to optimize their physical, mental and emotional wellbeing in completely new ways.…

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