Does Our Ego Really Care About Us?

Reading Time: 3 minutes   Welcome to the latest episode of Unlocking Your Greatness with Wendy Bjork. As an international bestselling author, inspirational speaker and founder of, it is my mission to empower women feeling lost in the medical system who want a holistic approach to their life. To feel HOPE: harmony, options, peace and empowerment to help others along the way.   Healing Your Ego:  Three Ways to Heal Your Ego   Whether or not you’re a spiritual person, chances are you’ve heard about the concept of the ego. In short, it’s the…

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Embracing Change: A Journey of Healing Through the Lens of Stage IV Cancer

Reading Time: 4 minutes In the face of adversity, we often find the profound capacity of the human spirit to heal. This sentiment is particularly exemplified in the journey of those facing stage IV cancer. Through personal experience, I have come to realize that the turmoil on the inside often serves as a mirror reflecting the areas in our lives that are in need of healing. It is a poignant reminder that challenges, be they disease or other life tribulations, present us with opportunities for growth, transformation, and healing from within. My journey towards…

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