What Happened to Your Greatness?

Reading Time: 4 minutes  Welcome to the latest episode of Unlocking Your Greatness with Wendy Bjork. As an international bestselling author, inspirational speaker and founder of heartsofwellness.com, it is my mission to empower women feeling lost in the medical system who want a holistic approach to their life. To feel HOPE: harmony, options, peace and empowerment to help others along the way. Three Ways to Remember Your Greatness   The key to achieving greatness is consistency. Having a clear idea of what it takes to get results, and being able to repeat those steps…

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Groundbreaking Discovery in Panic Disorder Research at Salk Institute

Reading Time: 2 minutesSung Han, a neuroscientist at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, and his team have made a ground-breaking discovery that could significantly impact the treatment of panic disorders. To control the symptoms of panic disorder, they found a fundamental brain circuit that depends on a neuropeptide known as Pituitary Adenylate Cystase-Activating Polypeptide (PACAP). This novel finding challenges the traditional focus on the amygdala, the brain’s fear centre, as the sole area responsible for panic responses. The team’s studies highlight the lateral parabrachial nucleus (PBL) in the pons region of the…

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Does Our Ego Really Care About Us?

Reading Time: 3 minutes  Welcome to the latest episode of Unlocking Your Greatness with Wendy Bjork. As an international bestselling author, inspirational speaker and founder of heartsofwellness.com, it is my mission to empower women feeling lost in the medical system who want a holistic approach to their life. To feel HOPE: harmony, options, peace and empowerment to help others along the way.   Healing Your Ego:  Three Ways to Heal Your Ego   Whether or not you’re a spiritual person, chances are you’ve heard about the concept of the ego. In short, it’s the…

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Delve Into the Science Behind Meditation and Improve Business & Life

Reading Time: 2 minutesINTERVIEW ON THE PRICE OF BUSINESS SHOW, MEDIA PARTNER OF THIS SITE. Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, welcomed Peggy Sealfon to provide another commentary in a series. The Peggy Sealfon Commentaries In this episode, Peggy Sealfon explores the growing trend of incorporating meditation into the workplace. Meditation, once seen as solely spiritual, now holds proven benefits for businesses and individuals alike. We delve into the science behind meditation, its impact on stress reduction, enhanced focus, and emotional intelligence. We also discuss real-life examples…

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Pick Your Seat

Reading Time: 2 minutesINTERVIEW ON THE PRICE OF BUSINESS SHOW, MEDIA PARTNER OF THIS SITE. Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, welcomed Kathy Healey to provide another commentary in a series. The Kathy Healey Commentaries When you are ready to plan a trip for vacation, work or family issue how do you get your flight? Do you go to Costco, Trip Advisor, Kayak or straight away to the airline website. Is the key to your trip the comfort on the plane. Are you willing to pay for the…

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Andrea Wilson Woods’ Commentary Feature on the Price of Business Digital Network

Reading Time: < 1 minuteANDREA WILSON WOODS is a keynote speaker, a writer who loves to tell stories, and a patient advocate who founded the nonprofit Blue Faery: The Adrienne Wilson Liver Cancer Association. For over ten years, Andrea worked in the education field as a teacher and professor for public and private schools as well as universities. Andrea obtained her master’s degree in professional writing from the University of Southern California; her nonfiction writing has won national awards. Her best-selling and award-winning book, Better Off Bald: A Life in 147 Days, is a medical memoir…

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Why Are Solo Lunches Good for Us?

Reading Time: 3 minutes  Welcome to the latest episode of Unlocking Your Greatness with Wendy Bjork. As an international bestselling author, inspirational speaker and founder of heartsofwellness.com, it is my mission to empower women feeling lost in the medical system who want a holistic approach to their life. To feel HOPE: harmony, options, peace and empowerment to help others along the way.   When was the last time you took yourself to lunch?   No, I don’t mean going to the drive through and eating lunch in your car.  This is an intentional lunch…

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Marianne Clyde’s Commentary Feature on the Price of Business Digital Network

Reading Time: < 1 minuteCEO of Isn’t She Amazing, LLC | Expert in Personal Development and Life Transformation |TEDx Speaker. Marianne coaches women leaders to kick it up a notch, think bigger, increase their impact and their income. For 35 years she has been helping clients live more productive and abundant lives. As an award winning businessperson and psychotherapist, best selling author and speaker, Marianne has built multiple businesses, learning to adapt and adjust as circumstances changed over time. She is a MindValley Certified Hypnotherapist, trained by Paul McKenna. In 2016, she founded the…

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When To Address Relationship Burnout

Reading Time: 2 minutesINTERVIEW ON THE PRICE OF BUSINESS SHOW, MEDIA PARTNER OF THIS SITE. Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, welcomed David Kingsbury to provide another commentary in a series. The David Kingsbury Commentaries Dual-licensed psychotherapist, burnout coach, and behavioral health consultant David Kingsbury discusses strategies for recognizing the problems undermining your established relationship along with when specific actions should be taken to prevent further distance from occurring. David wrote “It’s Totally Possible: Achieving the Life of your Dreams through Accelerated NeuroConversion” to introduce professionals to…

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No One Really Cares What We Think!

Reading Time: 5 minutes  Welcome to the latest episode of Unlocking Your Greatness with Wendy Bjork. As an international bestselling author, inspirational speaker and founder of heartsofwellness.com, it is my mission to empower women feeling lost in the medical system who want a holistic approach to their life. To feel HOPE: harmony, options, peace and empowerment to help others along the way. In this exclusive edition, we are discussing why changing others is futile. “The people who trigger us, or cause us to feel negative emotion are messengers. They are messengers for the…

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