Pick Your Seat

Reading Time: 2 minutesINTERVIEW ON THE PRICE OF BUSINESS SHOW, MEDIA PARTNER OF THIS SITE. Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, welcomed Kathy Healey to provide another commentary in a series. The Kathy Healey Commentaries When you are ready to plan a trip for vacation, work or family issue how do you get your flight? Do you go to Costco, Trip Advisor, Kayak or straight away to the airline website. Is the key to your trip the comfort on the plane. Are you willing to pay for the…

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Travelocity Makes Predictions About the Holidays

Reading Time: 3 minutesThe holiday season is typically one of the biggest travel moments of the year, but with COVID-19 still active in the U.S., a recent survey by Travelocity®  finds that almost 60% of Americans report they won’t be traveling to see friends and family this year and of those, nearly one-in-three said they won’t celebrate the holidays at all. However, that doesn’t mean they’re staying home this winter, either. The Travelocity 2020 Holiday Outlook survey1, conducted in mid-September, found that some travelers are feeling optimistic when it comes to leisure travel for the remainder of the year. One-in-four respondents said they have a personal…

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10 Choices for Travelers in the US Searching Holidays Close to Home

Reading Time: 2 minutesTravel Leaders reports: “Consumers are itching to travel, say advisors at Travel Leaders Network who have fielded inquiries from clients planning trips close to home for travel between now and December. In fact, 50 percent of travel requests submitted through the TravelLeaders.com website are for travel options between Fall 2020 and year’s end. “‘For several weeks, we were all staying home per orders from our governors, but now with many restrictions lifted more people are willing to venture out, but still close to home,’ said Roger E. Block, President of Travel…

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