Pick Your Seat

Reading Time: 2 minutesINTERVIEW ON THE PRICE OF BUSINESS SHOW, MEDIA PARTNER OF THIS SITE. Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, welcomed Kathy Healey to provide another commentary in a series. The Kathy Healey Commentaries When you are ready to plan a trip for vacation, work or family issue how do you get your flight? Do you go to Costco, Trip Advisor, Kayak or straight away to the airline website. Is the key to your trip the comfort on the plane. Are you willing to pay for the…

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Workers Want a Hybrid Workplace After COVID-19

Reading Time: 2 minutesMost workers believe the COVID-19 crisis marks the end of full-time work in the office and are looking for a hybrid model that blends work and home finds new research from ManpowerGroup (NYSE: MAN).  After health concerns for themselves and their family, workers are most worried about returning to an old way of working and losing the flexibility they have gained. The Future for Workers, By Workers is the second in ManpowerGroup’s What Workers Want series.  The research points to employers needing to adopt a People First approach and to reimagine a future of work that works for…

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Want to Join the “New Rich”? Read This Before Any Other Book

Reading Time: < 1 minuteKevin Price, Editor at Large for USA Business Radio, has long been an advocate of New Rich approaches to better and more profitable living. Recently, USABR took a look at his forthcoming book — Making “New Rich” Books Work for You — on why such literature has not worked for the vast majority of those who have read such books and how his book is different.  His book points out the real reasons “Rags to Riches” is not so easy, and offers hacks how to make these books actually work.  He finds the “missing…

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