Want to Join the “New Rich”? Read This Before Any Other Book

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Kevin Price, Editor at Large for USA Business Radio, has long been an advocate of New Rich approaches to better and more profitable living. Recently, USABR took a look at his forthcoming book — Making “New Rich” Books Work for You — on why such literature has not worked for the vast majority of those who have read such books and how his book is different.  His book points out the real reasons “Rags to Riches” is not so easy, and offers hacks how to make these books actually work.  He finds the “missing links” in New Rich literature. 

Before we discuss Kevin Price’s new book, one should first look at the expression, “New Rich.” The expression was coined by Tim Ferriss, the author of the bestselling book The Four Hour Work WeekOver a million copies have been sold since its release in 2007. It has received both enormous praise and tremendous scorn. Ferriss says, “The New Rich (NR) are those who abandon the deferred-life plan….

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