Welcome to the latest episode of Unlocking Your Greatness with Wendy Bjork. Wendy is an international bestselling author, nationally syndicated columnist, inspirational speaker and founder of HeartsOfWellness.com.
Her mission is to empower women navigating Multiple Sclerosis to build a strong Foundation of Wellbeing: One Whole-istic™ Step at a Time.
She understands this journey well, as she has been living with Multiple Sclerosis for over three decades, since the age of 15. She has been inspired to lead other women on a healing path after realizing the gaps in care that affect so many. Her techniques have been personally tested and embraced by many
She is the proud Momma to two amazing young men and in her free time she loves to read all about ancient history and travel to either the majestic mountains or the peaceful beaches.
Four Ways That Chaos is Good For Us
Chaos is not always something to be avoided. In fact, it can be good for us and even heal us. But what is chaos exactly and how can it benefit our lives? The answer comes from the Chaos Theory, a mathematical field that studies unpredictability and surprise. Chaos Theory is based on the notion that systems tend to develop in long periods of relative calm, interrupted occasionally by sudden outbreaks of chaos. For example, the weather is a very predictable system that is easy to forecast over a few hours locally or over a few days nationally, but over a much longer period of time, the predictions quickly become jumbled and unpredictable.
Chaos has also been used to describe a state of disorder, muddle, confusion, madness, upheaval, turmoil, bedlam and frenzy. It is this definition that we typically think of when we see the word chaos in our daily life. In this article, we will explore four ways that chaos is good for us and healing:
1. Chaos leads to a better understanding of the world around you.
The chaos of nature and the chaotic events that happen in our daily lives help us understand how the world works. Without these experiences, we would not be able to recognize patterns and make connections. It is these connections that enable us to create order in our daily lives and navigate through difficult situations.
2. Chaos helps to create a sense of awe in our lives.
It is in the moments of uncertainty that we learn to appreciate the beauty of life. The uncertainty of chaos can be terrifying or liberating depending on how we choose to look at it. When we embrace the uncertainty of chaos, we learn to appreciate what is unique about our existence and how precious it is.
3. Chaos can lead to an amazing discovery or breakthrough.
In the context of our personal lives, chaos can lead to a breakthrough or discovery that could change our lives forever. The chaos of the unknown is what drives many people to seek out new adventures and challenges that could potentially lead to an amazing outcome. Whether it is in our careers or our relationships, chaos can be an excellent catalyst for growth and development.
4. Chaos can lead to a stronger sense of purpose and perseverance.
The adversity of chaos can sometimes feel like a never-ending road of frustration and failure. But what if we looked at these times as a necessary part of the process to reach our goals and succeed? What if we viewed the muddle and confusion as fertile ground that allows our potential energy to sprout and grow into something magnificent? In this way, we can use the chaotic times in our lives as a force for good rather than a source of exasperation.
To support you in creating a path to your dream life with simple steps, download your copy of the Hearts of Wellness 30-Day Journal + Blueprint Bundle Towards Living Your Best Life at heartsofwellness.com/you. It will support you in keeping your desired outcomes all in one place along with the Blueprint which will help you take small steps daily towards a better view of yourself. Benefit from improved self-talk, as well as writing your weekly gratitude list and celebrating your weekly wins. Discovering and living by your personalized playbook are important steps we can create together!
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Pinterest: pinterest.com/EmpressofMS
Twitter/X: @bjork_ms
FB page: Wendy Bjork Hearts of Wellness
YouTube Channel: youtube.com/@wendybjork
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/wendybjork
Instagram: @theempressofms