Ready To Release Obstacles of the Past?

Reading Time: 3 minutes   Welcome to the latest edition of Unlocking Your Greatness with Wendy Bjork. As an international bestselling author, inspirational speaker and guide to others, as well as founder of, my mission is empowering others to find peace, joy and fulfillment by embracing simplicity.   5 Ways Letting Go of the Past Gets You Moving Forward   Many people struggle with feelings of sadness, anger and resentment about past experiences or relationships. Negative emotions can often interfere with happiness in the present and can cause a feeling of being stuck in…

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How the Comparison Game Will Crush You

Reading Time: 4 minutes     Welcome to the latest edition of Unlocking Your Greatness with Wendy Bjork. As an international bestselling author, inspirational speaker and guide to others, as well as founder of, my mission is empowering others to find peace, joy and fulfillment by embracing simplicity.   Why is comparing ourselves to others harmful?   We are conditioned to compare. What does someone else have that I don’t? We may become upset with ourselves, feeling unworthy, jealous and even angry . Why do we do this to ourselves? You’ve probably heard…

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