Denise has always had a passion for helping others achieve good health. She worked for two decades as a clinician in Pediatrics and Emergency Medicine and now, retired from medicine, she shares the powerful gift of hypnosis with clients, online, all over the world and actively seeks to educate physicians about hypnosis and encourage them to incorporate this in treatment plans. She is a fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine’s section on Hypnosis and Psychosomatic Medicine, and a member of the National Guild of Hypnotists.
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The Denise Billen-Mejia Commentaries
Transforming Lives: Early Intervention Through Hypnosis
What’s New in Hypno-Therapy?
Hypnosis and Healing: A Transformative Approach to Disordered Eating
Get Help for Anxiety at Any Age
Simple Steps To Clear Clutter and Improve Mental Wellness
Navigating Hypnosis: A Professional Discourse With Dr. Ann Scolofsky
From Policeman to Hypnotherapist: Healing Trauma and Stress
Break Free: Overcome Limiting Beliefs Through Hypnosis
Hypnotic Healing: Optimizing Medical and Surgical Outcomes
Quit Smoking – NOW!
Teen Anxiety
DST Is Coming – How To Sleep Better Tonight
Addressing Menopause Symptoms With Hypnosis
How Hypnosis Can Help for Successful Weight Management
The Elman Induction: Still Helping Doctors Help Their Patients After Almost a Century
Hypnotherapist Talks About Helping With Phobias and Tourettes
Hypnosis and Psychosexual Disorders
Recovery From PTSD and Years of Disordered Eating Through Hypnosis
H2 With Denise Billen-Mejia, Health and Hypnosis
Why Do People WANT To Be Hypnotized?
The Brain Can’t Tell