The Inventive Mind of Erno Rubik

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If you have ever wondered who Erno Rubik was, you’ve come to the right place. If you’ve been wondering who this Hungarian architect was, you’re in luck. This inventor is famous for inventing a mechanical puzzle called the Rubik’s Cube. Rubik is the inventor behind the Rubik’s Cube, Rubik’s Magic, and the Master Edition. Rubik also invented the Rubik’s Snake.

A sensitive artist by nature, Erno Rubik is extremely sensitive and perceptive. He’s also shy and can repress his talents. His artistic interests include music, poetry, and sculpture. He has a keen eye for beauty and has a sense of balance and rhythm.

The inventor of the Rubik’s Cube is a Hungarian architect and professor. His invention was a geometric puzzle made up of 26 tiny cubes that rotate independently of one another. The invention became a worldwide hit and earned him a patent — and a fortune. He also founded his own studio to design and create more of these popular puzzles. Rubik has influenced several types of architecture, including the iconic Mona Lisa, and the famous Spiral staircase.

The inventor of the Rubik Cube was born in Hungary and spent his entire life in Hungary. His father was an engineer and flight engineer at an aircraft factory and his mother was a poet. His father was a huge inspiration to him from an early age. He studied sculpture and architecture at the Technical University of Budapest and the Academy of Applied Arts and Design. He was honored with Honorary Citizen of Budapest in 2014.

The original Rubik’s Cube was made from wood so that it would not require complicated tools. After its creation in 1974, Rubik’s Cube became popular and was presented to students in his class. Students loved it, and the Cube has become an icon for students puzzle lovers everywhere. Not only did Rubik become famous, but Rubik’s Cube has also been commercialized by corporations and has become loved by many.

Aside from his famous creation, Rubik is also a famous Hungarian architect and used that knowledge to create his cube. In addition to its use in modern architecture, Rubik’s Cube also had a major impact on video games. The Cube became an iconic symbol of the 1980s and proved to be more than just a fad, maintaining relevancy well into the 21st century.

The Rubik’s Cube became an overnight sensation after it was finally commercialized in 1980 over 30 years ago, and it is still the fastest-selling toy in history. The new version of the Cube features six balls trapped inside three plastic spheres. 

Kevin Price, Host of the nationally Syndicated Price of Business show and Editor at Large for this site, had dinner with Rubik with a few professional colleagues.  He described it as a fascinating visit with a man whose reputation of extreme introversion is well deserved. 

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