Reversing the Idea of Suicide

Reading Time: 4 minutes

The idea that suicide is a solution to suffering isn’t true. It leaves a trail of broken hearts.


Suicide is an extremely serious problem that affects many lives. It leads to twice as many deaths per year as homicide and is the second leading cause of death in 10-24 years olds. (The leading cause of death is injury from accidents.)

According to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, suicide is the 12th leading cause of death overall in the US, and in 2020 almost 46,000 Americans died by suicide.

This includes the 24,000 college students that attempt suicide, with over 1,100 succeeding in their attempt. Nearly 26% of 18-24 year olds have reported thinking about it and 9% have made an attempt to take their life.

Suicide has become a leading cause of death, and we need to reverse these numbers fast. Zero deaths is the ideal.

Many people who have suicidal thoughts and try to kill themselves may have a mental illness. They need help dealing with their thoughts and feelings.

There are many factors that can lead to suicide, including problems with relationships, mental health conditions, traumatic experiences in the past or anxiety about upcoming events, and substance use.

Reversing the idea of suicide isn’t easy, but it is possible to change the way we think about suicide. Mental health is just as important as physical health.

The first step is to learn more about reversing suicide. You can do this by asking a doctor or psychologist for help.

You can also talk to your family and friends about navigating challenges. This is important because talking about it can make it easier for you to get the help you need.

Some things you can do if you have thoughts of suicide include:
Grounding Exercises That Use All Your Senses

If you are feeling anxious or panicked, it can be helpful to do some grounding exercises that use all your senses. This can help you calm your nervous system and stop the negative thoughts that cause your feelings of depression, fear, or anxiety.

Taking a walk in nature, listening to music, or reading a book can help you relax and focus on positive things. You can also take a warm bath or shower, put on some calming music, and hug or kiss someone you love.

There are many ways to avoid suicidal thoughts, including talking with friends or family members, getting help for a mental health issue, and making changes in your life. These changes can help you feel better, cope with your feelings of depression or anxiety, and prevent further suicidal thinking.
Make a safety plan

Create a safety plan for yourself that includes a place you can go if you have thoughts of suicide.  It can also include information about people you trust who will help you if you need them.  The free 988 Lifeline provides 24/7,  confidential support for people in distress.
Get help for a mental health issue

Talking with a professional about your symptoms and what’s causing them can help you find the right solution. You might need psychotherapy, medications, or lifestyle changes to improve your mood and reduce your risk of suicide.
Stay away from alcohol and drugs

When you are feeling depressed or suffering from other mental health issues, it is natural to seek out a drink or use a drug to relieve your symptoms. But these substances may increase depression, cause impulsive actions, and make you think about suicide.
Remove the means

It can be helpful to remove all the tools or supplies you would need if you were planning to harm yourself. This could include medications, knives, or any other object that could be used to hurt yourself.
Remember to call the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline

We can all help prevent suicide. The 988 Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones. Additionally, best practices for professionals in the United States.
We are all so busy living our daily lives. Take a moment, say hello and smile at someone in line, on the bus, or on the subway.  You just might be the person that makes them feel like they matter.  Because we all matter and we each have a purpose.

It’s time to put a stop to suicide.


Wendy Bjork, founder of is a pioneer in advocacy and mentorship.  Wendy is leading a global revolution of women walking in purpose and peace as she illumines their path ahead with the light of HOPE:  Harmony, Options, Peace & Empowerment.

She empowers women to step into their boldness, stand in their resilience and own their Truth.  Through Wendy’s guidance, they are finally seen, heard and understood.

Wendy has authored two books and co-authored a third, “Fired Up!,” a #1 International bestseller. She is a regular contributor on the digital platforms and to the National MS Society’s Momentum Magazine.  She is regularly invited on discussions, podcasts, interviews as she shares her story and hope to inspire others.

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