Reading Time: 4 minutesFor students with brain-based learning challenges like ADHD and NVLD, excelling in school can be an enormous challenge. I want to share with you some of the tips and tricks I used to graduate with honors to become to get a master’s degree in brain-based education. Find the Best Instructors for Your Learning Style An instructor can make or break your success. First, try to determine if the instructor is open to students with learning disabilities and understands their needs for accommodations, such as additional time to take tests.…
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NVLD and Invisible Learning Disorders
Reading Time: 4 minutesPeople who think, learn, and do things differently from the majority of the population (neurotypicals, or NTs) because of neurological differences are known as neurodivergent (ND). Those with NVLD are therefore categorized as ND. Since their appearance doesn’t indicate the discrepancy between their exceptional verbal and poor nonverbal communication (body language, facial expressions, gestures, tone of voice) and performance difficulties, people assume they are neurotypical. NVLD may be the most overlooked, misunderstood, misdiagnosed, and misnamed learning disability. According to “Estimated Prevalence of Nonverbal Learning Disability among North American Children and…
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