When Should a Policyholder Consider Engaging an Attorney or Invoking Appraisal To Settle an Insurance Claim?

Reading Time: 2 minutes INTERVIEW ON THE PRICE OF BUSINESS SHOW, MEDIA PARTNER OF THIS SITE. Recently Kevin Price, Host of the nationally syndicated Price of Business Show, interviewed Scott Friedson. The Scott Friedson Commentaries Price and Friedson discuss when a property owner should consider engaging an attorney to deal with an insurance claim.  This is an area where one must proceed with caution. Insurance Claim Recovery Support (ICRS), public insurance adjusters are licensed in many states and exclusively represent Commercial, Multifamily and Property Management policyholders.  Led by Scott Friedson, he has settled over $100 Million…

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Former White House Economist on Washington’s Disconnect on Inflation and More

Reading Time: 2 minutes Famed Defense Attorney Looks at the “State of Texas vs. Melissa” Cody Willard on Tech Reminiscent of 2000 Price of Business and Read Instead Newsletter Launch Video Series Celebrating Best Stories The Meaning of the Sussmann Verdic Has Bitcoin Entered a Calming Period? Jimmy Carter Style “Malaise” Economic Environment Clouds US Economy Former White House Economist on Washington’s Disconnect on Inflation Shapiro on the Rise of Stock Splits and What it Means to Wall Street National News Sites Seeks Freelance Contributors Questions about Read Instead, Price of Business, or any…

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Elon Musk Causes the Media To Have a Panic Attack and More

Reading Time: 3 minutes Special and sponsored content by www.PriceofBusiness.com, www.ReadInstead.com, and this website. EXCLUSIVE: Newsweek Editor Discusses the Democrats Real Constituency Welcome to Read Instead, the official newsletter of the Price of Business Digital Network. Edited by multi-award winning journalist, Kevin Price, Read Instead offers the articles, audios, videos and more from our network. Once a week, we provide the links to the stories our audience and our editorial team enjoyed the most. There is no cost for a subscription. Sign up for it today by clicking here. Learn more about ReadInstead.com, PriceofBusiness.com and our media by emailing bmuyco@usabusinessradio.net. ALSO… Now you can ask Alexa to…

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